

This is it!
I have decided to write, again.

Terjumpa blog lama aku, dan post terakhir bertarikh Nov 2014.
Apa aku buat 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018?
Four freaking years without blogging.. I guess there was no free time, at all?

Recap sikit:

2015 ; struggling with PSM 2 and met my husband (again, as we once in the same ko-k class back in my first semester) in March.
2016 ; internship at Warisan Group, as a graphic designer, graduated and started working as a volunteer at PDPA Melaka Tengah as Pegawai Sukarela. After a while, decided to further study. By the end of the year, got engaged without any hesitations *finally.......
2017 ; busy with study and amidst of that, got married(?) Alhamdulillah. It is my best decision ever.
2018 ; delivered a baby girl named Humaira' and struggling with study (until this very moment)

SO jyeah, sekarang aku sedang buat research, jaga anak dan bantu serba sedikit bisnes suami. Buat masa ni, aku stay rumah mentua di Pahang, sebulan sekali ke Universiti untuk jumpa supervisor dan kadang kala ke kampung jumpa mak tersayang. 

Aku akan cuba update blog bila ada masa lapang. InshaAllah.
